Die Kameräder profile picture

Die Kameräder

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

ADDITIONAL PHOTOS ON: http://s178.photobucket.com/albums/w265/DieKameraeder

My Interests

schizophrenie (heilungsmethoden!!!) helft mir!!! helft mir nicht! ahhhh

I'd like to meet:

die anderen beiden


alexisonfire, moneen, at the drive-in, sparta, the mars volta, death from above 1979, jimmy eat world, the kooks, the hives, the strokes, 50 bro, the killers, jimi hendrix, lenny kravitz(weil er Pole ist), led zeppelin, death cab for cutie, billy talent, james brown, prince, death cab for cutie, chris isaak, bonnie tyler, patrick swayze, foo fighters, incubus, coheed and cambria, alban berg, bloc party, dream theater, saosin, queen, say anything, pink floyd, taking back sunday, tocotronic, we are scientists, my american heart, kaiser chiefs, TOTO!, panic! at the disco


antwone fisher, trainspotting, old school, starsky & hutch, fight club, harvey krumpet, broke back hawkes bay!!! (ganz grosses kino)


simpsons, futurama, family guy, top gear, SPORTSCHAU


neue vahr süd (es gibt mehrere gute auch von max frisch aber keins kommt so gross), der schwarm, dan brown bücher


frankie, david hasselhoff(gruß an ole, sein double), 50 cent(he's the love doctor!), bob ross, harald lesch(ohne witz), dave weckl, michael wolpers, lech walensa(gruss an boysetsfire! voll uebel eure trennung), der steward von singapore airlines(fuer das suesseste laecheln und die heissesten "hat tauls"), mutti und pappi(schaut was ihr gemacht habt!), adam green(bye adam! it wasn't like that... it was good!), manu(loverboy: i just push her head down), sexmachine(danke fuer die vielen klasse zombiefilme), bob ross, die kassiererin von pak'n save, miro klose