MY APOLOGY TO THOSE I LOVE;I am just sorry that it had to come to this. I never wanted any of this for you, nor did I want to be the one sending this order but what is done is done. it can never be undone, This ain't no fucking game and there sure as hell ain't no reset. To the families of those who have yet to be named I am not sorry for what I have done nor will I ever be!!!!! Teach your fucking mutts to learn there place!! Otherwise this is going to be an ongoing and never ending cycle so please teach your fam what they need to know stay away from the big dawgs if your only a pup.
I will understand if some people don't ever talk to me again but hey if this upsets you then you are probably one of the people that will end up on the wrong side of my barrel and that means that you weren't shit to me! And to all the people believing the fuck up shit out of these haters mouths then you are gonna end up just like them. Please think before you tuff guys ask I want nothing more then to give the order. Hell piss me off enough and I'll pull the trigger myself. But hey they don't call a LOWLIFE for just one reason!
Sean --
A dance involving little to no clothing
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at