My interests...hmmmm let's see my interests are me and my son...and also being something great I want to be surrounded by greatness
lOOK AT HER REMiXONE CHANCE mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="210" width="180" align="middle" iMPACTO....DADDY YANKEE
My new favorite movie is Crash that movie actually had a real meaning and it was actually true to real life our real wasn't just a movie about something that couldn't ever happen in a million years.
I don't watch much t.v. cuz I don't have time but my all time favorite show is Law and Order
I haven't really anything good lately....I've been reading parenting books and magazines
ThE SuNsHiNe iN My LiFe ThE OnLy tHiNg ThAt OnLy ChAnGeS FoR ThE BeTtEr.....My LiTtLe MaN