2007 BHS Prom King!!! profile picture

2007 BHS Prom King!!!

Being Popular Pays Off Afterall!!!!

About Me

I go to Burns High School. Class of '07. I am a cool person to hang with. All I like to do is have fun!! Yea I'm a laid back cool person who just likes to have fun. My nigga's are: B. Chambers, Lebaron, LaSonya, Lance, Cierra, T, Jamie, Randy, Shanice, Josh, Monet and Ikeem. If I aint with them I aint with nobody!! I don't look for trouble, trouble seems to find me! If I'm out and I dont speak then I probably dont kno you!!! Usually I dont trust no nigga you have to earn my trust!! And if you reading this and you mad then you probably the nigga I cant trust!!! And for those who dont like me, come tell me and you'll see how it goes from there! Anything else you wanna kno then Holla @ ya Boy!!!!I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Girls, Movies , Parties, Going out to eat,

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Beyonce, Oprah, Lil' Wayne
Name: Darrius
Birthdate: 8-15-89
Birthplace: Cleveland Regional Medical Center
Current Location: Kings Mtn
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'06
Weight: 150
Piercings: none yet
Tatoos: None yet!
Overused Phraze:
Food: chicken,macaroni,ribs,steak
Candy: snickers,starburst,skittles
Number: 2,7
Color: red,blue,orange,white
Drink: juice
Alcohol Drink: Smirnoff,Vodka
Body Part on Opposite sex: Butt
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: burgerking
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter:
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Both
Love or Money: money
Bedtime: when i get ready
Most Missed Memory: Atlanta
Best phyiscal feature: eyes
First Thought Waking Up: Thank you God
Goal for this year: to graduate
Best Friends: Keyerra,Brittany,Lance,Cierra,Lebaron,LaSonya,Randy,T
Fears: death
Ever Drank: yes
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: no
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: brown/black
Short or Long: long
Height: 5'03
Style: classy/hood
Looks or Personality: looks
Hot or Cute hot
Drugs and Alcohol: she can sip a little bit
Muscular or Really Skinny: skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: a few
What country do you want to Visit: africa
How do you want to Die: peacefully
Been to the Mall Lately: yep
Do you like Thunderstorms: nope
Get along with your Parents: yeah, kind of
Health Freak: nope
Do you think your Attractive: yep
Believe in Yourself: yep
Want to go to College: yep
Do you Smoke: nope
Do you Drink: occasionally
Shower Daily: yep
Been in Love: yep
Do you Sing: yep
Want to get Married: yep
Do you want Children:
Have your future kids names planned out: no not yet
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:
Hate anyone: No; but they hate me!!!



Rap, R&B, Gospel, Reggae


Boyz ~N~ The Hood, Madea Movies,


Jamie Foxx,American Idol,Wildin Out,Sanford&Son


Black Boy,Mice of Men, Night,Harry Potter


Martin Luther King, Jr. , Malcom X