Women Beyond Borders is a student-organized women’s human rights organization that works in solidarity with community-based women’s organizations worldwide to address issues of violence, poverty, education and health. We partner with organizations that are run by women for women, and which meet a need in their respective communities that larger, international or government funded organizations may not. Through local fundraising we help fund women’s aid projects operated by our sister organizations, and through lobbying and education we strive to defend the basic human rights of women worldwide. Locally, we are committed to educating our own community about the status of women in the world, as well as ensuring the well-being and empowerment of our hard-working members, each of whom enliven this group with their passion and dedication as they tirelessly inspire social change.
Since our inception in 2005, Women Beyond Borders has partnered with women's groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the United States, the Navajo Nation and Mexico. $35,000 for women worldwide.
Visit our website at www.wbeyond.org.