About Me
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Myspace LayoutsMy purpose here is to make friends by helping musicians, writers, the lonely and depressed! I WANT TO GET TO KNOW AND BEFRIEND YOU!!! All of the people on my friends list are actual friends and people I care about. The best form of publicity is getting to know people and letting them get to know you. I am here to help you! If you want to talk about anything, drop me a line! I want to know what you think, your interests, goals, dreams, lifestyle, hobbies, talents, and anything else you are willing to share.I am a unique girl, uncommonly loyal, a bit brilliant, honest, down to earth, a lil strange, but all heart. I love reading, writing, doing volunteer work, laughing and making friends. I write poetry, scripts, and music(when really inspired). As a matter of fact, check my blog! I have the first draft of chapter 1 of my novel. Which will be brilliant! Also, I have a deep poem which is sure to stir some feeling. I draw, design clothes, and have even been known to act in an emergency.I want to connect you to what you really want. Music fans to awesome artist, directors to actors, singers to writers, sad people to happy 1s, models to photographers, etc. Let me know what you are looking for. I will put the word out. Nobody ever said we have to go through life struggling alone. If everyone lends a helping hand we can make this world a better place and help each others dreams come true! Call me an optimist ;0) I will be putting up songs of underground artist and their performances soon.LET ME KNOW ABOUT OPEN MICS, PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES, PARTIES, AND WHATEVER OTHER EVENTS ARE HAPPENING! I'LL DO THE SAME!
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