This just in profile picture

This just in

I'm lookin' at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fuckin' smash it with a sledgehamme

My Interests


TOOL and A Perfect circle, Stabbing Westward, Deftones, Chevelle,Air, Last Conservative, NIN, Radiohead, Mars Volta, The Shins, Talking Heads, The Cure, Tears for Fears, David Bowie, Death Cab for Cutie, Postal Service,Placebo, Her Space Holiday, Elton John, BEATLES, Elliot Smith, Rat Pack,yeah yeah yeahs,Pearl Jam, Rush, Paul Simon,Bobby Darrin,Lovage, and 2Pac


Lost Highway- The Big Sleep- Magnolia- Hard Eight- Punch Drunk Love- Big Lebowski- Royal Tenenbaums- Star Wars (1977)- Annie Hall- Touch of Evil- Blood Simple- One crazy Summer- Goonies- Happiness- Hurly Burly- Blue Velvet- Buffalo 66- Rope- North by Northwest- Five Easy Pieces- The Last Picture Show- Mulholland Dr- Deckalogue ep.3- Dr. Strangelove- Natural Born Killers-Garden State- Lost In Translation- Made- West Side Story- Lost Boys- Dream A Little Dream- Citizen Kane- Being There- Lolita- Fargo- Requiem for a dream- A short film about love- Legend of Billy Jean- Closer- How to marry a millionaire- Chungking Express- Seven year Itch- You and me and everyone we know


Twin Peaks, Curb your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, Six Feet Under, South Park, simpsons, Directors, the office, Hollywood V.S. History, Da Ali G Show,Silver Spoons