Monique profile picture


I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you?

About Me

"There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: The fashionable nonconformist" *********** Ayn Rand *********************** i live for sheet-fort making. i like to sit in my sheet forts and eat Captain Crunch Berries with soy milk and watch Spongebob.......i like to take off my clothes when I am drunk and do silly run down residential Hollywood streets pushing shopping carts at 3am (that's probably why i don't drink anymore)........I give inadimate objects names. My new friends are "Fred" the paper shredder, and "Koko" my car....i like to act like a baby sometimes and let you take care of me.... i have a fish named "Chicken" and two aquatic frogs named "Bubbah" and "Charro" and I talk to them often, and very loud so that they can hear me. i make cupcakes...i am famous for them, as my vegan (but don't taste vegan) soups, my late night walks through the Hollywood Hills, and my ability to love people in ways they have never been loved before. i try to practice moderate indulgence (if that even exists) in most things....while some things are better left alone. i love to watch the PBS show NOVA. I have been renting all of the DVD specials that they put out.....and i watch them by myself. cuz i am a total fuckin nerd-ass. i am SICK OF DRAMAAAAAAAAAAA. i am sick of my own drama, and the drama that other people have to dish out..although I am attracted to it in a very strange way...and at the same time, i am also sick of people that AVOID drama. i am not at all interested in spending FIVE minutes of my time with people that are not emotionally brave, mature and connected. Pun is my life. i am pun-tastic and very punny and I like to have lots of pun. i like to dance...i will dance anywhere and I make up songs about anything...the songs usually start with: "I love______so much"....and they can go on for hours.....the last one was about soyritos. Ah yes, and basically, all I eat is a tortilla with anything soy in it. Chick-nugs, boca burgers, soy a whole wheat tortilla. i am a mogul...i invented the "Soy-rito". i pop-lock myself in and out of parties......i am the dance-off master, never to have been beaten.... and people love to come over to my house and play games with me and let me feed them. There is comfort and warmth in my home, and a sanctity not often found in LA exists in my place. I just got the 90's Trivial Pursuit.....I also have UNO, Taboo and Scrabble and I like to drink coffee with Bailey's sometimes......i hate to shower, but i shower anywayz.....but i hate it........i love hello kitty and deery-lou and my best friend is a stuffed monkey named maurice. i wish i had a dog. i have a darkly dark side. but don't worry, i normally won't force it on you. i am not scared of cannot tell me anything that might surprise me...and i will not judge you, cuz whatever you have to say, i have probably done it or thought about it too. empathy is king. so is the 70's rock, as is compassion. i am unimpressed with your career, your band, what labels you wear,who you have fucked and who you know. i am totally impressed with your emotional bravery in the form of vulnerability, and how much you have seen. i am also totally impressed with people that do not give a fuck what anyone that can take care of situations without me having to ask....women that can step up.....and skinny, tall, boys that can pun me into a corner. i am into glamour and trannies and rollerskating and fashion...but i cannot fit into anything high fashion, so i talk a lot of shit abt it. i write music, i make records, i produce...and the solo record will come out when it is ready. i make clothes, i have a sense of humour and i really want to meet you so that we can be friends one day.

My Interests

I have a great interest in animal rights and activism. I REALLY REALLY REALLY love animals.....Natural health and medicine. Music, Physics (mainly Quantum, but I am game for conversation on all of it if you are), Mexican weddings, love, honesty and heated conversation. Intellectualism. Conspiracy Theory. Equal rights and respect.... Kundalini Yoga. Legwarmers. I like pro hockey (Red Wings), dance, art and "strange" people. Strange people excite me. I also like to learn and expand my beliefs and disagree, as well as agree. I like to roller skate, pop lock and break dance....and I REALLY love to sing out loud, laugh out loud and hang out with kids, cuz peeing in your pants is cool.P.S. I also have a profile...under "Mo Powell"....Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

I'd like to meet:

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!" -Jack Keroac


"I am a lost soul. I shoot myself with Rock and Roll. The hole I dig is bottomless, but nothing else can set me free."-Robert Pollard............ "I like :Kraftwerk, The Refused, Devo, T Rex, Nick Drake, Prince, Donny Hathaway, Jeff Buckley, Classic Southern Rock, Guided By Voices, 60's-70's Soul, MC5, Old Gospel, Peaches, Queen, Stones, Zeppelin, Gravy Train, Serge Gainsbourg, Pixies, Fanny Pack....I mostly like it all, as long as it rocks my shit in one way or another, oh, and I am totally NOT into naming all of these obscure bands so that people think that I am indie and cool. If it is good, I like it, and my knowledge of music will probably kick your ass.


Ma Vie en Rose, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Silence of the Lambs,Velvet Goldmine, PI, The Jerk, Billy Madsion, The Dark Backward, A Brief History of Time, Grave of the Fireflies, The Point, American Movie, Napolean Dynamite, anything by Michael Moore, anything with John Turturro or Gary Oldman in it.......


The Golden Girls....and I do not care what you assholes think!


The Zohar, The Alienist, Einstein's Universe (Calder), Einstein's Dreams...more to come. p.s. I like magazines. So fuckin what.


The Golden Girls, My sister, Stephanie Osheroff, Danny Charles, Michael Moore, Marilyn Monroe, Ayn Rand,Tammy Faye Mesner (Baker)Richard Simmons (aka "Slimmons")Charro, ..Martha Stewart (free that bitch!),MAX the dog, Janis Joplin, My therapist, Albert Einstein, Guru Singh, and Stephen Hawking

My Blog

My Birthday!

I am laughing my ass off at all of your birthday suggestions...You all know me so well. How did you know that I loved bouncy castles, magic, bubbles and Hello Kitty so much??They are EXCELLENT ideas!!...
Posted by Monique on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 05:59:00 PST

I'm BACK!!!!

Sorry to have worried anyone, I needed a damn break from all the craziness that internet, email, myspace, etc. was bringing to my fragile head. It has been a wonderful time for me.... Did some singin ...
Posted by Monique on Sun, 27 May 2007 04:28:00 PST

My Birthday is August 20th.....

OK, so my birthday is coming up, and a bunch of people have been writing to ask me what I want for my special day.... Aside from world peace, more compassion toward the life a...
Posted by Monique on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 02:27:00 PST

MySpace:The Disease; A Response

Ok, so...I have read through HUNDREDS of responses from all of you received within the last hour or so.....and I have laughed a lot and had a few little tears from the love and support and hilarity of...
Posted by Monique on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 08:57:00 PST

MySpace: The Disease

I was looking at my top eight today and realized that I can upgrade to like, a top 24 or some shit now.... and then I realized that, if you are in my top eight, that gives you no excuse to not have me...
Posted by Monique on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 08:55:00 PST


Please repost this..... Ok, well last I went to check on little Picasso (see two blogs down), it seems that a lovely woman had him in her home and was thinking of keeping him! Keep your fingers crosse...
Posted by Monique on Wed, 03 May 2006 09:45:00 PST

Listen to my Launchcast radio station with me!

In case you were wondering what I am listening to....this will give you a good idea....   Click here: Monique Powell's Launchcast Radio Station! Enjoy! Kisses, And Love, ~mo...
Posted by Monique on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:12:00 PST

A baby to love.....

Please, please PLEASE forward this bulletin.       A baby to love....   OK, I have to post news on this baby that I have fallen in love with, but unfortunately do not have the tim...
Posted by Monique on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 10:13:00 PST

Ebay Charity Auction is UP!!!

Go to and search "MONIQUE POWELL" to buy clothes worn on stage by Monique Powell Designed by Terri King and Monique's own couture clothing line, MSquared A portion of sales go to M...
Posted by Monique on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 03:33:00 PST

Today I feel as if a firm gust of wind could blow me right away...

Thank you for it all. Thank you for the best Sunday of my life. Pancakes and coffee in the bath Childish exclamations of love and trust Belly laughs in the shower Hickies and funny songs upon waking t...
Posted by Monique on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 03:19:00 PST