um. hi? and stuff.
i'm 22, i'm putting off getting a job, i got a 2.1 BSc, i am local. i play ultima online all the time, on europa shard. i'm the best Kronen. ultima online motherfooking owns WoW. WoW is for nubies, the non-hardcore, the casual player that is totally unworthy of respect. like corky. uo is for the hardcore, for real men who nevertheless still sometimes feel the need to use bagballs.
my guild is BoA , we are a strong bloodline that bow to no one. we are murderers first and foremost - bluebies think they have freedom because they can go to all facets, but they do not have the freedom to attack anyone and everyone. pvp is the reason a boa plays uo. i like the guild known as men. uch are fucking jokes. i hate cocksucking, speedhacking knob jockeys that think they own due to fielding bush dexxers, bok mages, and necromages in conjunction with stupid cheats and ridiculously expensive and powerful event items bought with rl money. rofl. we know you cheat. we have the evidence from vent chats. you twats. Our shard's trashtalk forum .
my pub quiz team is the best pub quiz team, we win a lot. not every time, but often enough. we have never lost a tie breaker, because sarah owns at them. and kronenbourg is ever so tasty when it's free, especially when it's deemed to expensive to be prize beer but best barstaff gives it us anyway. it really, really sucks when the varsity runs out of kron, stella and coors all in one night. fosters and carling are mediocre, i say.
jessica is hot. she wants my babies which is puzzling cos she's so damn hot. there are many hot things in this world. often it's bad to touch hot things, it causes problems.
i ride a motorbike you know. or i did, until the insurance ran out and i don't have the money to renew it.
sara tells me to give her the link to this here place, which i cannot do whilst editing, and so i must go. t'ra lovers!