** DISCLAIMER!! ** This is MYspace for me, not for work. Don't be offended if I deny your request. It's not PERSONAL, but this is my PERSONAL page YOU are incouraged to add my alternate page if you don't KNOW me: www.myspace.com/splitpersonalityprod2
In The Name Of Allah(swt), The Beneficent, The Merciful, Asalaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu!
In a Nutshell I have a Vibrant Soul, Wonderful SPLIT Personality, I'm Very Fun, Extremely Outgoing. I am THE Embodiment of a "Go Getter", The Ultimate Hustler.
I live life each day as if it were my last *~~~* The Arts in whole are a way of life for me. I breathe Music and Theater is my soul. I am a B-Girl at heart & a Muslimah at birth. I live the best of My world, to the best of my ability.
"He who leaves truth behind, returns to it." Recognize that O'neika is the TRUTH! Peace and be Blessed!!
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....I stand TALL!!