I enjoy the outdoors, It can be anything from walking or swimming. I enjoy the beach and hope to live there someday.
Someone who will alway be by myside ....Someone who will be on me and only one. And someone that does hide anything from me. No matter how it may hurt me or upset me. But for stars.......the cast of Lost or any pro wresler.
I like all kinds of music.Would love to go to more concert. Hinder is the group I listen to the most right now.
I enjoy all kinds of movies and watch alot of them.I enjoy watch movies with all my familly and friends.
My favorit tv show is lost.I also Like CSI and House and Iam a girl so Soaps...
I like short stores. Anything from Washington Irving to Saul Bellow.I will even try to write my own somwtimes. I enjoy all kind of poems.
My hero is and always will be my Grandmother Melba Payne George.My grandmother always knew me best.I miss her more and more everday.She was the one person i could always be open with, she never told me what to do, but gave the time to work everthing out. She was one of the few people that always knew me, happy or sad.And she always knew when my sprit was broken.