My Personality
Neuroticism 45
Extraversion 62
Openness To Experience 90
Agreeableness 95
Conscientiousness 31
You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone. Stressful and frustrating situations can be upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations. Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. You have a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.
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Your Element Is Water
A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.
That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.
Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.
You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.
What's Your Element?
You Are An ISFP
The Artist
You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.
You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.
What's Your Personality Type?
elizabeth --
Insatiable to the point of crazy
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
Clever, fatalist, deep. Sympathetic, generous, loving and perseverant in proving their view point
Colors: male: sienna , female: crimson
Compatible Signs: Bastet, Isis
Dates: May 8 - May 27, Jun 29 - Jul 13
Role: God of death and mummification
Appearance: Jackal or a jackal-headed man
Sacred animals: jackal
What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries