SEXY MAMi profile picture


Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In PerFect LoVe en PerFect TruSt

About Me

Holla alli!!im Jenny! a Dancer, "NCAA" CheerLeader of Altas PepSquad n Mah School University of Perpetual Help Rizal in philippines. Im Happily Married 2 my Lovin HusBand Adam, goiN 3yrs Married. Proud Mommy of 2 AngeLs! My Son JustiNe he's 4yrs old nursery student. en My Princess LianNa, thyre so Smart AdoRable sweet Babies i ever seen! Nothing eLse 2 do But Taking Care of my babies en being a good wife. tryna break my BeautiFul FamiLy Lets See Wutz Gnna Happen 2 yah! Im SweEt, Lovin, Carring but of Course Straight to da PoiNt! en im a FighteR! so if u Guys cnt do ood Things u BettEr gEt Out of ouR Way! i never 4get 2 give thanks 2 God 4 all da blessings everyday...God always answers my prayers.loving my fam so much!Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts .byAlecia. Myspace Layouts

My Interests

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=> my lovely Cat name Yuggie >> he is smart en sweet cat i ever had >> we know that dogs running goin 2 u en saying arf wen ur home en cats cnt do it >> but my Yuggie he does he run 2 me sayin meow wen im home >> he stays underneath mah blanket wen itz cold en he sleep beside me like a baby >> other cat grab ur food wen ur eating but my my Yuggie he juz lookin at me en waiting 2 give him food >>" i miss u Yuggie! ur always be here n mah profile en my mah pet i mean 1 of mah baby".
adopt your own virtual pet! ..

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