www.morningafternoon.com, www.seldonyuan.com skateboarding, snowboarding, being really really serious... and other things that start with s like sxqrlgnbhjing. oh and the theory of relativity is still blowing my mind.... also window shopping and bike riding thru the city
People who know a lot about things i don't know a morsel about. People with humanity and humility. People who will help me remember that idea/line I just forgot. Also people with an appreciation for the absurd and nonsensical and a good poop and fart joke. Someone who'll make me laugh for a change. Somebody with some new ideas.
my mom doing karoke.Seminal albums of the teenage years that still hold up. Yo La Tengo Electr-o-pura, Pavement Crooked Rain Crooked Rain, Spinanes Strand, Miles Davis Kind of Blue.
Also able to get down to a lil reggae dancehall. NPR/WNYC is a new favorite.
I wait for it to come out as a book or I just stare at the magnetic tape or dvd literally. before sunrise, before sunset, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
dawson's meat. this american life's radio show is my new tv.
Nobody lives on Arther Godfrey Blvd by Gerald Constanza, Ham on Rye Bukowski, Full of Life John Fante, Where I'm Calling from Raymond Carver, Catcher in the Rye Salinger, The heart is deceptive above all things JT Leroy. I'm serious right?!
the KKK or the black panthers. or that woman at that office who asked everyone who ordered the chinese food when I walked in the door. redpollard unmartini4me n8churgurl