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I am here for Friends

About Me

Audrey lives with her family in queensland australia.she has one dog and one bird. it was originally two birds but the dog tried to eat one bird and it flew away!! she likes having fun and fooling round with her friends. she cant be serious for too long. her friends and family would be the most important things in her life (even though they are annoying most of the times she loves them). Her best friend forever/for life is Mario!!! she doesnt know what she wants to do for her future anymore. she figures she'll go wherever life takes her( as lame as that sounds). she has dreams and wishes that she hopes she'll be able to fulfill/come true. she loves singing and music in general! she hates saying no to people and loves helping people. she goes to st columbans in cabo and is turning 17. she is short with long black hair and dark brown eyes. she is an indian. she has travelled to papua new guinea on a mission trip with her school and she met the most wonderful people. she hopes to travel the world one day(but doesnt everyone?). she finds it hard to trust people. she loves reading and funny/gory and animated movies. her favourite colour is yellow. she loves animals, hates dresses and her favourite sport is cricket!!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone
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