Jen wants to be a Mommy profile picture

Jen wants to be a Mommy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi! Thanks for visiting my page.
Well... a little bit about me. I am 32 years old, and so is my hubby. We have been married for almost 6 years, but have been trying to have a family since pretty much the day we met. It was one of those love at first sight, meant to be together kind of things....
If it is not already COMPLETELY obvious..... I want nothing more than to have a baby. I am rather obsessed with it actually. Have come very close to it... but have not made it full term yet. some people are obsessed with shoes or purses... for me? it's getting pregnant...
They say loss is what brings you closer... i have to agree with that. DH and i are closer than ever... but we both still feel the frustration of loss...
Of course emptying our savings for the attempts to have a family was not initially in our plans... but such is life.
Just means we have to try that much harder to succeed.
Some people say that if we "can't afford to make the baby then you can't afford to have one." That is not necessarily true when each attempt, with the procedure my doctor is currently trying, costs upwards of $1000 each try... and with all of the tries we have made using up the money we HAD saved for a child, we are now having to slowly replenish the savings we had to try again.
More important to me, is that people out there know and understand how lucky they are if they have to difficulty having a family, and how much i truly hope to be a parent just like them.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet anyone else who has had to struggle with infertility. Especially those women who have PCOS and have overcome it and have been Blessed with their children.

I created this site as a place for me to vent my frustration at not having the child i so desperately want... and possibly to provide others with a few resources to learn about infertility, specifically my problem, PCOS ( PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome )

A little bit about us....

My husband and I were married in Feb. 2002.
We have known, pretty much since the day we realised we were in love, that we wanted to have a family.
Unfortunately my infertility issues (which i have known about for more than a decade) cause that to be a difficult goal to achieve.

Since we were married, I have had 4 different surgeries, all related to my PCOS... one of which was the loss of our first pregnancy.

My doctor is certain that we can get pregnant, and sucessfully, by using a procedure called IntraUterine Insemination (IUI)... the gist of what it does (and not too graphic for any kids who may find this site.. i'd hate to ruin the birds and bees theory) is gives a higher chance of conception by putting his guys right where they need to be, without barriers they'd otherwise need to travel through.

The total cost of this procedure is upwards of $1000 between the meds, the exams, the ultrasounds to time it correctly (and there can be 3 or 4 needed) and the insemination itself....

not only is this extremely taxing on our wallet, but physically and mentally as well.
and here i thought my job was stressful.

I cannot tell you how many times i have wished to be "normal". but then i realised just how much closer we are as a couple because we have to go through this together, and how much we BOTH know the other will cherish any child we have BECAUSE we HAVE gone through this.

My Blog

one more try....

so after the last Dr's visit, a LONG talk... and a look at our financial situation.... we determined the only way to do in-vitro is to save every extra cent we have, and/or get a second mortgage... so...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 01:03:00 GMT

ten THOUSAND dollars?

So we have taken about a year off the trying to have a baby thing...  needed to give my body time to relax with no meds... Today i went to go see my RE and he tells me that after looking at my ch...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 16:41:00 GMT

baby making...

Well.... it has been decided that we will be taking a break from trying to make a baby. Basically this means for 1 year, no meds.  We will still be "trying the natural way" but conceiving that w...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 10:22:00 GMT

Infertility... and the well meaning stranger...

I found this... i don't remember where.. but it exemplifies what  we deal with on a regular basis.  It seems that those who have no fertility issues have little knowledge of infertility in o...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 21:45:00 GMT

The Goal...

Well, as i have stated, our ultimate goal is to save enough money for another try at making a baby.We need $1000 to try again. So far, on my own i have saved $185 since the last try. Just paid the las...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 22:13:00 GMT