justin profile picture


About Me

I don't myspace as much as I yourspace. I facebook. I xanga. but me... I'm a big lousy has been. All of my greatness lies in my past. I was a former Finance director of a PAC, a former Campaign Manager, a former political consultant... and now... i'm just a 24 year old Senior Executive Buyer at a financial firm...and that means that I buy money.

My Interests

Everything that stimulates the brain or other regions. Traveling. People.

I'd like to meet:

I've met everyone I could have ever imagined, and never imagined I would have met (Howard Dean?)




seriously, you want my list? I can't remember the names. Half of them are independent films that no one has ever heard of... but any thing smart. Or Brokeback Mountain


does Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC count. No? fine, then DOG the Bounty Hunger, TLC, Disovery Channel, Crocodile Hunter


I don't read books. I pay for people to read them to me. But I liked Naked by David Sedaris, and I liked Barak Obama's autobio, as well as Bob Dole's. Audiobooks baby.


I'm far too in love with myself to answer this question objectively.