About Me
Myspace Contact Tableshere is my story:
, I also love SLAYER,
TOOL, THE HAUNTED, CHILDREN OF BODOM, COHEED AND CAMBRIA, HED P.E., TOM PETTY AND ANY BAND WITH CHICKS WHO CAN PLAY AN INSTRUMENT. MEAGHAN ALANNA COWLES. I know I'm a very lovable person. I am beautiful. I have big plugs in my ears. I have a piercing in my face, and my tongue. My mom hates them. I make my own pants. I have 19 pairs of jeans. American Eagle is the best company ever to work for. I wear wife beaters at any chance. And usually some sort of shirt/top/hoodie/something from AE. I love black shoes with heavy boucles and thick chunky bottoms. I LOVE cinnamon coffee. I am fun, just ask around, oh and smart. My mommy wanted to name me Natalia, I wish she had, or Reesa, but my friend Paula's mom and my dad came up with Meaghan. I paint my nails prolly 5 times a week.I have 200+ bottles of nailpolish. I love things that are sparkly, especially makeup.I use Smashbox brush sets and tools, Palladio Foundation, Urban Decay Eye Colours , Lancome Juicy Tubes , M.A.C. , and Estee Lauder Difinicils Red lipstick looks amazing on me. I'm super girly, but I love death metal. I wicked love my oldschool westfield buddeeez. Rest in peace Lucas Anderson, Jennifer Bower, J.R., Justin, Hillary Flanigan-Poole. I loved you all, I still do. I smoke butts. I drink TwISteD LoT Merlot. I am so cool. Did everyone know that how skinny you are is how you measure someones charcter? My pants which are a size 10. So what does that mean? TRASH bags come in boxes....who cares? I do not under any cicumstances, take shit from anyone. I have some that are indescribable people. Thankyou Jess, Paula, Matty, Wil, Giuli, Sara, and the rest you who know where your place is in my heart. Then there is my right hand, who I'd be lost without, my Ms. Katie, she keeps my head on and facing the right direction. I can always depend on her, and it's never a dull moment when we're together. Some of the best times I've ever had involve those previously mentioned. The best thing about my life is: I'm a greatfully recovering drug addict, clean since JUNE 30th of 2006. Track marks are gone. I do things that make a positive difference in a lot of OTHER peoples lives. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard right now. I Thank GOD for Depacote, Ativan, and Ambien. I'd still be a wreck without 'em. I know a lot of really genuinely cool people. I love my savior JESUS CHRIST. I believe in heaven. I've been to hell. You are going there when you die. All that matters is what you look like you know that? I laugh at people who call me weak. I would love to see any one of them try to survive what I've been subjected to. My dog is the smartest puppy on the planet, his name is McFuck'a'you!, he should bite you in the face. NO jk jk jk....he would never do that he loves everyone and so do I. I have a 2 yr old nephew who kicks ass, and I have a 5 year old niece who is smarter than most adults. I also have a 14 year old niece who is unbelievably gorgeous, fun, and so cool. I have 1 nephew in the MARINES. I love you PFC~Derick~ Another who is 17, TRAVIS, my homeboy, and a tough lil dude. Things like brushing and flossing are important to me. I do it at least 2 times daily. I get told quite often, "Meaghan, you really are beautiful, your face, your teeth, everything about you" All of YOUR friends at the RUSSELL INN think so too. I'd hate to make anyone realize how truely stupid they are for ever thinking that they could in some universe outsmart my intellect. My IQ is 193. Which means I'm a genius. I am far more intelligent than 96% of the population of this planet. In every way. Oh yeah, and, My parents are loaded, because my dad got in a BAD FUCKING motorcycle ACCIDENT. I'm talking mom and poppa are REALLY WEALTHY. They've made very wise investments, with a lot of the settlement money. Now let me clarify something. My parents do give EACH person in our family the same amount of money, or the same valued monetary items. I don't mooch off them, I'm just a Daddy's girl. It's not my fault that my poppa is always thinking about me and wanting to buy me LOTS AND LOTS of nice things, I don't have to ask them for a single fuckin thing... My brother and I will reap the benefits of mom and poppa's choices when they die, in other words, I'll be a buh-zillion-aire. My parents are still married, still very much in love with each other, still very happy after 23 years. I have a father who I call Poppa. My POPPA fought in Vietnam. He's a U.S.A. Marine. He is a survivor. So am I. My Poppa has never ever let me down, never once. My mother is no force to be reckoned with either. She'll tear you apart if you do anything to disrupt the lives of any of her children. I have a hot tub, IT'S fun. My back hurts bad, all the time. REALLY BAD, ALL THE TIME. I have kidney stones....stupid lil shits, I pee blood. They are so fucking painful, it's funny though because pain is something to laugh at. You should always laugh when others are hurting, it's a true sign of maturity and intelligence. Not to mention when you laugh at someone who is hurting it shows what a strong BACK BONE you DO NOT HAVE! Spineless FREAKS OF NATURE, now that is funny shit! Me on the other hand, I am vile and violent and hanous. I really am not any of these things. I will kick your ass in a mosh pit, but only if I have to. With the right amount of force on my back, my kidneys have a 90% chance of shutting down. It'd be great if you'd attack me with something on your knuckles so you can pay for my operation. I don't NEED to use force to break you down. Words are far more painful and effective, especially the ones that come out of my mouth. (Here is where you make a stupid stupid joke about come and my mouth. I havn't heard any ignorant shit yet today.) I am far too intelligent and mature to fist fight someone. Instead, I talk shit over the internet, and I am the only ONE who does! I win, I win, I win! me me me me meeeeeee! I do know people my age who think they can just beat up everyone. This is a tremendous source of amusement. At some point in time these people are going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and end up in a coma, every dog has her day! I know that if I HAD to, I could, and I would, take perfectly fine care of myself. I've learned some very interesting things about necessary force and how strong I actually am. For those of YOU who KNOW WHERE I LIVE: I urge you to c'mon over...we'll have a good time. Really a good time. I sit around and watch my bad ass TV. I went to this place called Windell's skate/snow camp in 2005 with my very good friend Paula, thanks, for the best trip ever. I love west coast people. I think getting a grown-up job is a good idea. I feel terribly bad for people who have to define themselves based solely on esthetic pleasure, (thats how you physically look , stupid!) and not what they think or how much they've done for other people, which wouldn't be much of anything, because lap dances don't count. I don't hate `exotic dancers`, I don't even hate you or the disgusting person you've turned into. You were an awesome person, once.... it is sad. Looks are fleeting, that means they can go away. Makeup to some people is like a band-aid to a GUN SHOT WOUND. Random fact: Gasoline is flammable and virtually impossible to wash off of the skin on a human body. It's sad to think that there are sick people in this world who will do ANYTHING for small amounts of money.....which I know nothing about because I have a whole fuckin lot of money. We have money because of dad's accident. Every person in my family agree$ that even with all the $money$ we have, anyone of us would give it back in a heartbeat if my Poppa didn't have to get hit by a double-trailor 18 wheeler while riding his limited edition Harley Davidson. This happened in 1986. I was 3. There is no amount of money that is worth going through that kind of pain. *bragging* Although an 8 figure settlement always cushions the blow. The fact that my dearest Poppa will be in pain everyday until his time on earth is finished breaks my heart. I love my Poppa so much. I really really do. , and I know I've made him very proud, $oMeHOw I've managed to stay clothed all these years. On another note: You know what is sad? when you're just doing what's good for you, and some people still just cant grow up and leave shit alone, please spare me kids.... Important life lesson: Karma is a bitch. I know better than anyone how fast everything in your world can literally go away within a matter of seconds. Take NOTHING, not one single thing, for granted, it could leave you before you know it is gone.Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
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