Football- 49ers rock? maybe next year!
Baseball- Giants rock! maybe this year!
I play for Rohnert Park mens softball league
I love to hang out with my kids and play with them
I like to hunt, fish, go camping, go 4 wheeling, hiking, and swimming.
Spend time at the beach
I like all types of music, but my favorites are classic rock, country, and the oldies.
Music Video Codes By!
Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars- all of them, Armageddon, Remember the Titans, Men of Honor, Saving Private Ryan, The Green Mile, Big Daddy. There are more, I just can't think of them right now!
American Chopper, The Military Channel, Myth Busters, CSI- all of them, Law & Order.
The Bible, Chronicles of Narnia
Every American veteran that has served in our armed forces, from the Revolution to our present conflicts today.