dAriAnnE profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

*im simpLe aNd reaL!!!*oftEn miSunderstoOd...but wEn peopLe gEt a cHanCe 2 know me bettEr.. 1st impreSsiOns disaPpear!..*im veRy outgOing, advEntrOus, haPi gO luCky, poStivE thinkEr aNd hAve nO pretensiOnS at oL....*i cRy verY easiLy aNd sumtymS numB of wAt i feeL...*i LoVe paRiS hiLton (a lOt!)..loveS sinGing, dAy drEaminG, traveLLing, kidS, mOvieS, taKinG piCtureS, coLLectinG memOrieS and eAtinG....*one of the boyS...*i really admire VictOr BaSa!, DenniS TriLLo, Yael YuzOn, JeSse McCartney, Champ Lui-pio, Felix RoCo eSpecially JaPoy LizardO..*i am aCertifiEd sHoPpahoLic, txtahoLiC, chattEr, cHocohoLic, and A teen taLkEr!*i definitely Hate sNakeS!, feeLerS, P.S., pLastiCs, k.J and siLver toeS!!!*muSic is mY otHer haLf!*fanAtiC oF oPm baNdS aNd avid liStener of 89.9 & 97.1*~reSpeCt, vaLue & lOveS mY frieNdS & famiLy xO xO muX!~**i am mYseLf, nOthing mOre aNd nOthing leSs*
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Interests

~muSiC!, ~shopPing 2 d' maX!, ~eatiNg tiL daWn, ~mOvin arouNd mEtro, ~watChiNg mOvies til my laSt peSo!, ~siNginG & daNciNg...

I'd like to meet:

anybody wiLL do!...tC guyS!!..luv u oL!!..muAa*


GenrEs of : ~rNb, ~cLaSsiC, ~rOck, ~boSsa...~OPM!!! ..m/


~a waLk 2 remEmbr, ~cast awaY, ~mEan gurLs, ~legally blOnde, ~princeSs diaries, ~frEaky fridAy, ~a miracLe wOrker, ~pareNt trAp, ~findiNg nemO, ~iCe agE, ~brodEr bear, ~cHarLie's chOco faCtory, ~KInG kOng, ~suPermAn, ~pirAteS of d' CarribeAn, ~happy feet, ~harry potter!...


~mTv's sieSta and hitch!, ~mYx,, ~fear factOr, ~ameriCa's nxt toP modeL, ~eLmo's worLd, ~sTartEd wit a kiSs, ~ripLey's, ~AmeriCan n' Phil idoL!, ~tHe bEauty aNd d Geek, ~simple life...


~a Litle prince, ~arcHie, ~phiL. truE ghoSt storiEs, ~da vinCci's cOde, ~17 aNd caNdy maG!...


mybe suPerman..Ãœ