Shine Like a Bottle
(c) 2007 The Cartridge Family. Squaretiles Music (BMI).The Cartridge Family's Shine Like a Bottle takes you back to a time when
hyphens had not yet been invented, an era when a description as
straightforward as "rock and roll" would suffice. Here's what you don't get
with Shine Like a Bottle: A whole lot of frills. Here's what you do get:
Guitars that could never be accused of being shy. Sneaky hooks. Keyboards
with the same personality as the guitars. Echoes of the Faces and Blonde on
Blonde and rock bands that like country music but don't feel like they have
to prove it and a dozen other things that represent what's always been good
in the music world. My favorite song this week (and because I don't know the
title, let's call it Track 7 for short. Or maybe Track 11). Rock.
Roll....This is a band that works hard and plays hard. And because of that,
Shine Like a Bottle, like the Cartridge Family, is serious fun.