Running, riding bikes, watching movies, playing bass, taking walks, road trips, discussions about things that can't be resolved, inside jokes, listening to music at night with those that understand that some music is meant to be listened to at night, sitting on porches to watch thunderstorms, playing volleyball, trying new teas, and reading (mainly non-fiction)
Boris Becker, Owen Wilson, Scarlett Johannsen, Bill Murray, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Willie Nelson, Parker Posey, Mark Ruffalo, Dallas Willard, Gary Haugen, and John Cusack (please note I did not say Bono - how unique am I?)
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Scrubs, Ed, The Wonder Years, Freaks and Geeks, Arrested Development, The Office, Strangers With Candy, Gilmore Girls, Dick Van Dyke Show, Get Smart, Seinfeld, Growing Pains.
Peace Like a River, A Good Man is Hard to Find (O'Connor), A Severe Mercy, Under the Mercy, Fear and Trembling (Kierkegaard), Soul Searching (C. Smith), Anne of Green Gables, Mere Christianity (Lewis), Orthodoxy (Chesterton), Divine Conspiracy (Willard), Either/Or (Kierkegaard), God, Freedom, and Evil (Plantinga), After Virtue (MacIntyre), Freaks, Geeks, and Cool Kids (Milner)
Anyone who beats Lance Armstrong at anything...