Pets...esp dogs, Chocolate, Food, Movies, xbox, photography, people, animal rescue ...
PLEASE NOTE! The following users should NOT "ADD/INVITE" me.
(1) Pornstar wannabe's
(2) Bands that cover music I DONT LIKE!
(3) Fakers' who only want to increase their "Friends" Count.
Thankyou, Have a nice day :)
People with similar interests as myself, but I am pretty open to meeting anyone. I especially wanna meet people from Östersund.
Also somebody who can offer me any leads on work out here or help us out in any way.
Those willing to throw us a bone can do so by clicking the button below. Thanks :)
Trance, Electronica, House, Dance, Hiphop, some top 40 and more.
Action, Adventure and Thrillers
Motorsports, Sitcoms and Discovery
Adventure and Suspense, Magazines
I'll get back to you on that one... or will I?
These are all the cute critters that we have either owned or know personally :)
I am playing these PC Games(GTR 2 and Race WTCC) currently
It is simply amazing!!! You gotta have a sweet system to enjoy the full graphics capability of these games, but most systems available today with a decent vid card should be able to play them. I would also recommend you get a steering wheel as well. Enjoy the clips ;)