Well, first and foremost I would like to thank God for the opportunity he's given me to bless the believers as well as the nonbelievers through music. I love music and its a big part of my life but, music itself only comes second to my first true Love... God. I am passionate about my personal lord and savior Jesus Christ. Music has always been a part of my life. My older brother is a musician/rapper/producer, my sister is a singer, and im also a musician/rapper. Through years of involvement in music I've acquired a good ear, love for all types of music etc... But perhaps the best characteristic I've developed is becoming a worshiper that worships in Spirit and in Truth. Thats something that no music teacher could ever teach. God has reached into the innermost parts of my heart and has molded and sculpted in me the heart of a worshiper. Its all about him. Worship is forgetting about everything and strictly making it all about God. I try to incorporate this into all areas of my life, specially in music. Rap, Hip Hop, and Reggaeton are my choice of music, and very rarely those genres are considered "worship type", but atleast when it comes to me, it doesnt matter if its Rap, Hip Hop, or Reggaeton; they're all an opportunity to get my worship on. So whenever you see me or hear me rap, just know that at that point im making it "all about Him". On another note, artisticly speaking im known as Truly Anointed (T.A.). My name really means all to me. It describes me completely. It is alot more than just a "rappers name". Its a lifestyle for me. I try to live my name to the fullest. About 4 years ago when I first started to rap, the group which I started out with was trying to help me come up with a name, something that would fit my personality. One of the members (K Dave) came up with something like "Annointed", and I took it from there and stuck it out with "Truly Annointed". I thought about changing it once and God used Sity (my brother) to bring forth to me confirmation of what my name should be. Since then... Its been Truly Annointed. The Rapper and The person. In every area of my life I really am... Truly Annointed. May God continue to Bless you all and I hope that you all enjoy the music.