Words from the Thrilla Teezilla aka The Mad Gorilla " TFOD It starts like this......those of you that don't know me...... the kid did a little 5 year bid...and if you don't believe me check my reg number with the BOP 21965-050......anyway....when I got 2 weeks short before getting sent to the halfway house my homie Tone sed.."When they ask you to hit them with two fingers...hit them like this..." then poceeded to cross his fingers and move his hand back and forth in a corkscrew motion...(later to find out girls dig this move)...i dubbed this the "Two fingers of death"...fast foward about a year when I'm back with the crew.....for those that dont know.....Billy.. that's my other half.......his crew...people used to say they were tight crossing their fingers and saying that's how tight they are.....when i told B about the "two fingers of death" it all came together.....TFOD TWO FINGERS OF DEATH!....but that became too long to explain so.....i came up with a better meaning for our acromyn..."The Fucking Over Doers!" because we fucking over do it!.....so I'm gonna leave you with a little bit of what we are and what we do......no matter what you do and how you do it...over do it ...so that it's remembered ....do everything big ...if not to be inspirational......do it because you know no one can top you............ "