Love the summer, the ocean, surfing, sunbaking, the sound a coke can makes when it opens, the smell of sunsreen and the smell aircon makes when it's being used for the first time at the beginning of summer. I love big grassy backyards and lots of trees, balconys' with views to the ocean and have such a passion for travel its insane cant wait to see the amazing things i can't even dream of. Love music- triple J, concerts, ART, chillin' with friends, and learning new things, hearing new music. Drawing and creating, dreaming.
I lovelovelove cloudy overcast days and sleeping on the grass in black catching the Winter sun.
The impossible Spring days of my childhood. Sprinklers. The smell of wet grass. Rolling down big grassy hills. Turning around so fast that you make dizzy circles. Falling over. Swings, 5c lollies and petshops.
What I study- I love it. The warring history of the world, the interations between states, the things you know one day but are completely unsure of the next. New cultures where women hunt pigs, and rarely weep over a dead child- 'angel'.
K aren / heart