<<<KYLE>>> profile picture


'may your will be done!'

About Me

if ya got any questions to ask....shoot.
Only you can mend the broken heart,
and cause the blind to see,
erase complete the sinners past,
and set the captives free,
only you can take the widows cry,
and cause her heart to sing,
be a father to the fatherless,
our saviour and our king.
A word for those special to me :) (no prefered order lol)
TIFFANY JADE BARNARD:words cant express how much i love tiffa! shes just a great sister and my best friend. awesome woman of God and always does her best. courage, boldness, graceful, just, discerning, fun, joyful, loyal, true...list goes on. love her xox
JOSUA NEETHLING: code numba 1: bros b4 hoes. code numba 2: any hoes a go! My friend and my eternal brother. I admire this guys courage and loyalty to his true friends, hes such a strong guy and the type thats there for ya in the trenches. luv ya bud!
ANDY WESTON: code applies wit him as well lol. he's my brother, and im damn glad he is. Words cannot express how much i love this guy. I know he has my chops 24/7, and i got his. Hes a great fella and a great brother. bros for life!
CHRIS WHITWORTH: this guy is jst and awesome man of God. Love to play guitar and write songs with him. dont know what id do with out him!
TIMOTHY CALLANDER: i love this fella to peices. like seriously, hes in peices coz i love him so much...jks. i doNT no how id cope without this guy. (hes funny as)
JOEL RICKETTS: Now this guy, hes tonnes 'o fun and he's my brother too! such an awesome person with strong character, he'll never ever ever give up. just so loyal. There for ya always buddy!
Im just so glad that we can be friends. May not see each other as much anymore. and it sucks. but it wont change the friendship we have :) you will always be welcomed by my family (coz they all love ya!), by me, and most importantly, by God and by Jesus. Please know that i'll still be here for you always. but like seriously..i'll break the legs of the people that hurt you...its just how i feel lol. love u xoxo
JAKE MUNDAY: awesome person. such a loyal friend, and is always there for me. He's never afraid to give it a go either. trust me i know lol. love ya tonnes mate!

ASHLEE RECOURT: I love this girl so much! shes an awesome friend and sister. always there for me and im always ther for her. love her heaps and always! btw, ny felas who end up hurtin her...ill brake your legs..ask josh!
NATASHA ROMANO:Well wat can i say? my lil sis :) me n tash go wayyyyyy bak to the lil kiddies age:) i love this girl soooo much and really admire her courage and determination. Im always always there for her no matter wat!!!. love u longtime tashy
ALANNAH MCKOOKE:This girl is like the funniest and we have our many many laughs :) and plus, i love her to death. cept not like, dead dead, just, alive dead. loser kyle hmm. Naaa she awesome and full of love and fun and i love her like HEEAAPS. love u longest time.
NATHAN GRAY: yer this guys like, funny as, and hes a real good mate. dont get to see him as much anymore but i know our friendship will always last. luv ya mate.
CHRIS CARLIN: yes i may owe you $30. and u will get it. but its hardly worth our firendship so its not to worry in contrast :) i really do love this guy. always so positive, so bright, and willing. he has such an incredible apptitude for the business world too! so i expect to be inheriting millions in the future! after ive paid back the $30 of course. haha jks. love ya mate xox
MICHEAL FOX: The funniest guy in the world and the bestest mate in the world. pure dedication to his friends and a great man of God. love him muchly!
MANON EDWARDS: seriously guys, jst say one random word and ur considered a comedian to this girl haha jks. na i love this girl so much. shes an awesome person and an awesome friend in the highs and the lows. love her tonnes!
MADDIE RECOURT: yer shes like the little sister of my other sister and shes awesome and shes gonna buy u all cars one day coz shes gonna be a rich ass concert pianist haha. and same goes thing goes...ill brake legs for her too!
all in all. u mess with these people..u will die..jks lol. but seriously...
Name: Kyle Barnard
Birthday: 09/05/89
Birthplace: Footscray (didnt live there)
Current Location: Geelong (lara)
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 195 cm
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: norwegian (the vikings!)
The Shoes You Wore Today: thongs
Your Weakness: got one but cant think of it now lol
Your Fears: drowning or burning to death
Your Perfect Pizza: as long as i can eat it
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: umm do good in school and write mroe songs
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: dont care
Favourite Hair Color: like brunette but dont care lol
Short or Long Hair: longer probly
Height: 150 - 180...dont really mind
Weight: 8 tonne..thats right, i want to date a whale... jks depends on height
Best Clothing Style: surfy, metro or sumtin
Number of I have taken: once again, probly should complete the sentence
Number of CDs I own: heaps
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: fair bit.

My Interests

You Are 88% Happy
It's unlikely that you know anyone happier than you.
You know how to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. How Happy Are You? music layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com music / movies

I'd like to meet:

you :)


Hillsong, planetshakers, Third Day, Casting crowns, the eagles, guns n roses, intrumental guitarists e.g. tommy emmanuel, joe satriani. eric clapton, bon jovi, creed, larry norman, edwin mcCain, lifehouse, foo fighters, ACDC, googoo dolls, jimi hendrix, pete murray, jack johnson, metallica, rise against, steve vai, phil collins, stevie ray vaughn, john pretrucci, van halen, led zepplin, neil young, john meyer, ACDC, ben harper, xaviour rudd, donavon frankenreiter, ash grunwald, nirvana, the fray, timberland, digga, jeremey camp, foy vance...and yer, goes for ages.


'The Rocketeer', all the Rocky movies. tonnes a superhero movies like Superman returns. The guardian, happy gilmore, billy madison, big daddy, aceventura (both) (any comedy with adam sandler or Jim carrey.) facing the giants, harry potter, star wars, chopper, lord of the rings (all), braveheart, titanic, terminator (all), king kong (new one), catch me if you can, green street hooligans, lock stock and two smokin barrels, fast and the furious (all), and heeeaps more.


Get Smart, friends, seinfeld, gilligans isle, two and a half men, simpson, family guy, american dad and heaps more (i like comedys :)Your results:
You are Superman Superman 80% The Flash 70% Green Lantern 70% Supergirl 68% Robin 50% Wonder Woman 38% Spider-Man 35% Iron Man 25% Hulk 20% Catwoman 20% Batman 15% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
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The Bible, bible related stuff, and harry potter! You know the Bible 93%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

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