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Some facts about red-haired people: From the Globe and Mail, Wednesday, 1 September, 1993. (Thanks to Wayland for giving me the exact date.)Redheads "are deemed to be the emotional slaves of our colouring as no other group," writes redheaded Nicola Tyrer in the Daily Telegraph; short temper and sexual fieriness are attributed to them. In France, to be redheaded is thought to be a fate so dire that some women have formed a Proud to be Red association. Percentages of redheads in different countries range from single digits to a fraction of 1 per cent -- a recent estimate for France is 0.03 per cent of people. (A 1977 estimate for North America is 4 per cent.) Redheads generally are more numerous in northern latitudes, but also turn up among Hungarians, Egyptians, Israelis and certain Nigerian tribes. "In Denmark it is an honour to have a redheaded child. In Corsica, if you pass one in the street you spit and turn around. In Poland, if you pass three red-heads you'll win the state lottery," claims Sylvia Stevez, the Parisian founder of Association Francaise des Rousses. Harvard dermatologist Madhu Pathak calls redheads "three-time losers" because their red pigment is an inadequate filter of sunlight and their skin is more susceptible to sunburn, skin cancer and wrinkling with age. There are two kinds of redhead, says Mary Spillane, managing director of British image consultants Colour Me Beautiful. There's "the autumn type with hazel eyes," and the Celtic type with translucent skin, light eyes and carrot top -- leprechaun redness "that people have trouble with." Redheads have always been thought untrustworthy. As a 17th-century Frenchman observed, "Judas, it is said, was red-haired." Superstitions: red hair is unlucky; it's lucky to rub your hand on a redhead's head; bees sting redheads more readily. The Egyptians regarded the colour as so unlucky that they had a ceremony in which they burned red-headed maidens alive to wipe out the tint, says author Claudie De Lys. In 1960, a contributor to the journal of the British Folklore Society wrote: "Before the ship was due to sail, I became aware of a muttering outside my door. I asked the captain what it was all about and... he replied that the [men in the] fo'castle did not want to sail with a strange red-haired woman aboard, especially as the cargo was iron ore." Redheads, used to attention and teasing, can be good-natured about their condition. After journalist/rebel William Lyon Mackenzie went bald from a fever, he acquired a red wig and would wave it in the air and thwack friends with it when amused.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Every Ginger soul alive, to let them know that they are a valued member of a vast and powerful network joined in numbers to provide sanctuary in, of, and from the world... oh... and ... Ginger John and the Heavies too...

My Blog

the ginge offender part 1

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Posted by on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:35:00 GMT

remember, a good ginger, is a silent ginger...

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Posted by on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:27:00 GMT

ginger suicide...

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Posted by on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:22:00 GMT

it could happen to you...

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Posted by on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:12:00 GMT

kevin enright...wrong...

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Posted by on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:55:00 GMT

it's ok...

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Posted by on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:50:00 GMT