We live in incredible times. Western culture has taught us that our value and identity comes from the products, experiences and relationships that we consume. You can become a celebrity if you want it bad enough. Youth is worshipped and commitment to anything is uncool. But where do I find contentment and happiness?In a society where consumerism is god, how do Christians express their faith in a meaningful and relevant way? The Trouble With Paris takes you on a four-week journey exposing the myths of popular culture, whilst presenting a new lens by which to view Christianity in a consumer world.Mark Sayers, Australia 's leading young adults theologian, presents a unique insight into how media and advertising impacts upon our dreams, values and expectations as Christians. Co-presented by Ben Catford and complete with thoughtful animation and interactive question time, The Trouble With Paris is the ideal resource for small groups or individuals wanting to reshape how to live out your faith in a world of plastic promises.Hyper Reality Introduction
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