Myles profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Hey im Myles (Mylesie to some girls lol). I love all my friends, Jesse and his honesty that sometimes make people re-think if there life is worth living and always being someone you can count on, Simo! although sometimes I want you to be more 'cock n balls' i love you the way you are and wouldnt have you change at all - the bitches love you and say your 'cute' but fuck that, youre my gangster!!! Damo - what can we say - when your speaking 99% of the time youyr taking the piss outta someone but I love you for your sparactic calls and caring about your friends more than you let on ;) Rhys rhys your crazy antics when your drunk and the long chats we used to have after a 40min walk to either one of our houses (Titan), Heath - we have had some fucking sweet nights on the piss together - youll always be my drunk-singing buddy when we rock out to our tracks, love you my wittle pothead haha - ps: bad luck about coles :) Norto 'The Mad Cunt', youre a champ - was very happy to be there when you first got blind at Gillsy - we have good random chats about bitches n hoe's and other shit - hope we can go skinny dipping again soon :) And Josh Whitham!!! youre a fucking a legend - introduced me to so many girl man haha youre a tank and a drinking machine - youll always be one of my best mates even - luv ya man haha . I love Eddie Vedder, Chad Kroeger, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Marilyn Manson, etc - influential meaningful rock music is the best music in the world ;) I love my friends even if I have a strange way of showing it and would do everything in my power to protect them :) I am studying Emergency Health Paramedics at Monash Peninsula and loving it. Thanks Mazenod for the groping, the memories and all the mates I made - would choose that school over the Playboy Mansion any day :) Im told im very random - To that I respond "Whats that got to do with the prize of fish in Malaysia???" Enjoy my MySpace and just remember - Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truely, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made u smile :D Add me on Msn if you wana ask me more shit [email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Eddie Vedder & Pearl Jam, Christian Bale, Chad Kroeger, Kurt Cobain (RIP), Marilyn MansonFEVOLA!!! - THE GAME THAT GOT ME BACK INTO FOOTY

My Blog

Dromana 07

Here are the highlights of Dromana '07 Ladies and Gentlemen First night we unpacked, bags the beds and playing some serious bball - Simon dunked and broke the ring :p we ended up having a 6 ...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 18:11:00 GMT


WHY THE WORLD DOESN'T NEED GOD What is wrong with everyone? Explain why you have such little 'faith' in your own people that you have to resort to worshiping a greater being. Before searching the skys...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 03:52:00 GMT