Holding my interest is interesting..hehe.There are things that would be interesting for a second or two and things that always remain. Music has been my one true love of my lifetime. Its always been there, even before the gym, before being bashed by girls, life and its ironies. Before I was jaded, there was music. Thank God I write songs. Otherwise its the gym thats my second home. Im 'interested' in that because it centers me in a way writing music, having sex or anything else enjoyable cannot.There truly is inner power that comes with building outter power. Its amazing how two true loves can be polar opposites yet come to the same conclusion. Other than that I like drinking a few jack d's on the weekends, taking a ride in my truck, chillin' with friends and laughing at dumbasses.
Anyone intersting and cool. Fame doesnt interest me so famous people dont. I have no desire to watch amazingly rich jerks get what they want and everyone just kisses thier ass. No thanks. However, I would have liked to have met Warren Zevon (RIP) cause he told the most amazing stories with his songs. Also, id like to meet a variety of bodybuilders, too many to really list, but Jay Cutler is one of them, cause id like to pick thier brain about stuff. Id LOVE to meet Shel Silverstein (RIP..again) for the same reason as Warren...amazing, so amazing. Ummmm, the rock bands KISS and DRHOOK cause I love the songs and cause I wanna tell Paul Stanley that I punched a kid out in 8th grade for calling him a homo....your not right, Paul?hehe. I LOVE meeting really cool ordinary people who fight the day to day fight that I do. Down to earth and with a sense of humor or any kind and you got a friend. Im a nice guy to know but a prick of an enemy. OH yeah, and I would have like to have met Pope John Paul (RIP...once again) cause he was truly the greatest human on the planet when he was alive...!
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Well, id have to say my own music, does that make me lame? Like I care anyway..hehe.And anything I want to listen to I do. I dont define types of music, its whatever I like and whatever makes me think, or puts a foot in my ass or turns my crank...who cares? HONORABLE MENTIONS! DRHOOK, KISS, BUTCH MOTHERFUCKING WALKER and STONE SOUR FUCKING SMOKES!!!!!
I can barely sit still for two hours and hold my attention, so a movies gotta be GOOOOD for me to 'be there'..hehe. Mel Gibson makes KICK ASS flicks!! Sorry, say what you want but a Braveheart, We were soldiers, the Patriot and a slew of others rock!hehe.
No doubt the Simpsons. Homer is a God. Cannot say enough the joy and rediculousness that that grand show has brought me. Whenever Im feeling down, I just watch Homer and everything makes sense!!hehehehe. I also like House,thats a good show, that freakin' british dude pulls the american accent off GOOD!!hehe. Anything about ghosts, haunted places, paranormal...thats real good stuff. YEAH, im a closet ghost lover and believer....but thats for another section!hehe.
I love reading. Nowadays its mainly 'muscular development' and 'flex'.hehe. But I do enjoy a good book. The DaVinci code was excellent, much better than the movie. I LOOOOOOVVVEEED the Motley Crue book, Dirt. Absolutely the best book written by a band....Id recommend it. Im currently writing a book and its gonna kick ass.
Anyone who struggles everyday like we all do and who lives the best life they can without hurting anyone is a hero. Id rather hang out with 'johnny six pack' than some stupid famous person anyday. Theres so many types of heros and id say living and doing no harm especially in todays world makes us all heros.