Hedonix are conduits of what Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson christened the head revolution: Hedonic Engineering And Development. Anyone who learns how to push his or her own buttons, debug old and obsolete programs, re-program and meta-program his or her own imprinted and conditioned circuitry, can then make a quantam jump in neural efficiency. Higher intelligence, greater emotional equilibrium, acceleration of change and growth, intensification of experienced time, are just some of the ammusing and instructive programs possible. We can all learn to use our brains for fun and profit. in that case, we can all become members of the illuminati - self programmers, co-creators of our own reality.
Our debut album "Order out of Chaos" is now released and available through saikosounds.com, psyshop.com, amazon.co.uk or directly from us for $20AUD (including shipping for Australian residents). Please contact us through myspace or email hedonix23 at gmail dot com to purchase directly.
For people who prefer to buy music in digital format please check out...
...where you can buy the album (in whole or in part) and a selection of individual tracks we have previously had released. Full previews are available and downloads available in high quality lossless formats.
Order Out of Chaos
Hedonix Download Share
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Psilocybe breakfast tea (V/A Location:2 hours from Sydney - EPP Records 2004)
Dont Mess with Tetris (V/A The Martin Fitzgerald file - EPP Records 2005)
Novus Ordo Seclorum (V/A The Lurker - Cosmic Conspiracy records 2006)
All Hail Discordia (V/A Blackout - EPP Records 2006)
No Sprinkles (V/A Tall poppy syndrome - Cosmic Conspiracy records 2008)
Sixth circuit semantics (EPP Records 2009)
How much for the beaver (EPP Records 2009)
Album - Order out of chaos (EPP Records 2009)
Upcoming Releases
Kallisti (Vertigo Records 2009)
A cup of tea (Vertigo Records 2009)
Dark night of the soul (Mind Tweekers Records 2009)
Ze Germans (funtazula Records 2009)
Hi folks, if you have downloaded our music for free and wish to show your support by throwing us a few dollars (or euros) please click on the link below to use paypal. Also, if you simply wish to support us in doing what we do just in general please feel free to donate via paypal by clicking the link.Any contributions will be muchly appreciated and will be put directly into the production of more ultra-twisted groovy tunes. :)