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Jonathan Edwards

I am here for Networking

About Me

I never know what to write in these things! Okay, lets see. I was born on October 5, 1703 in East Windsor Conneticut...I was the only boy out of 11 kids! I went to Yale when I was 13-- not to brag or anything lol. I learned about things like philosophy, psychology and natural science that I used to back up my Calvinist faith in light of Deism and rationalism and all those other isms that were threatening the morality of Christians. I wrote a lot about how the laws of science are true, but do not exist on their own. I mean, God made things like gravity just like he made man and the earth. Really, Newton helped me out because all that science stuff just goes to show us how smart God is and how harmonious he made this world. After Yale I went on the help my grandfather Solomon Stoddard at his church in Northampton and when he died I took his job as pastor. So then I lead this thing called the Great Awakening. It was just like me and some other preachers saying "Hey America! Your actions on this earth have consequences in the after life, so you should be careful. Because God has no problem sending sinners to hell." I did a little fire-and-brimstone and everyone listened because they didn't want to go to hell. It worked out though, cos morality returned to the colonies all the way from New England to Georgia and everybody was like paying attention to what the Bible said to do and stuff. After I lost popularity as a preacher, I went on to become the president of what is now Princeton University.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God, Jesus Christ, Descartes, Hobbes, Isaac Newton, ummm you!

My Blog

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