Against Us!- where does one start when describing such a band?
They started one cold September 2006 evening (the 9th to be exact). Four friends had a beat in their feet and a song in their soul, and just started to jam. They made their first penny that night. They are best at covering songs by the Floridian band "Against Me!".
Nowadays, you can find them outside of local RAWK SHOWS jammin' for cash...sweet, sweet cash. They also have choreography to the song "Don't Lose Touch". Sometimes, Nat and Meg enjoy pelvic thrusting to the song "Those Anarcho Punks Are Mysterious". Nicole and Caroline stand to the side and say "Those freaky kids aren't in our band!".
Oh yeah, and we have official AGAINST ME! approval. They like our band (we're not kidding about this folks!)