music. Music! MUSIC!!!
...i'm only interested in meeting people who'll help elevate me to where i need to be...those who will push me into my destiny so i can have an encounter with my maximum potential...
just about all types of more of a neo-soul type chic...mostly gospel...some R & B...i listen to whatever moves me and/or challenges me to change...
emperors new groove, life, finding nemo, coach carter, he got game, true lies, waist deep, lion king 1 1/2, love and basketball, brown sugar, the best man, the WOOD!!!
Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Girlfriends...House [love that show]...Reality TV Shows keep me watchin...
FOREPLAY by Jamal-Harrison Bryant...everyone needs to read it...
JESUS!!! No one else is qualified to be my hero...cause He is tha only one who's died for me!!!