Skimboarding (when I'm not injured), bodyboarding, interpretive dance, 7&7's, skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing (and hitting locals while doing it), hiking, biking, kayaking, cliff jumping--basically nothing i can do in santa clara.... BUT, to keep myself busy there is always weightlifting, shooting pool, THE DODGERS, the LA kings (back from strike!), and stayin healthy
shaun white, in a completely heterosexual way... i just need coaching
Hardcore 80's gangster pop, with a splash of Hebrew Polka.
Any movie works in good company
No time for TV, but its cool i spend my time doing other stuff like writing about how i dont watch TV on my myspace profile.
The Power of One, Night, Men's Health Magazines (if those count), The Romance of Tristan, Les Miserables, Catcher in the Rye, Rain of Gold, Count of Monte Cristo, To Kill a Mockingbird are all pretty much worth your time.
Popeye the sailor man, my dad, and my main man Jesus