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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am 27. I work my ass off for the man. It's fun and sucks at the same time. I work in a cool industry. We make Halloween costumes. So I guess I am in somewhat of the fashion industry. Funny story how I got into Halloween. So I was walking down the street and came by a cemetary. I had some time to kill. It was getting late so I say screw it I will just go in. Well I met one of the gate keepers he told me in his shakey waek voice. Go to the gate keeper he will show you the way. So I keep walking and come across this shrivled old man. His back was hunched over as if he were trying to touch his toes. He had scraggly grey hair and as was bald as a volture. He glared up at me with one eye half open and said "BOY YOU NEED TO BE IN HALLOWEEN" I said ok what ever. I think I am going to be a musician. He laughed harder than a strapping logger after a hard day of chopping firewood. You fool hs said. Halloween is where you'll be. YOu Fool, You fool (keep repeating)..... So I woke up from this god aweful dream picked up my guitar and thought, "After I graduate I am going to hit the road with this guitar and play for thousands of people. So I graduated and then I get a phone call RING, RING!!!! I jumped up. My sister calls and says "You ever think about working in the Halloween industry. Sure I did some crazy old man at the cemetary said I would. The next day I found myself selling rubber chickens and clown noses. Funny where the road takes you. I still will make this dusty guitar work for me one day. I swear.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I meet crazy people all the time. I mean shit just look at all the people I surround myself with. Ya you...Your nuts! :) I don't care who I meet you could be the richest person in the world but if your a douche bag you will always be a douche bag. MyGen Profile Generator

My Blog

New Poem

Shattered Lives He walks a line so narrow so straight who does he stand up for Not for himself but the hand he was dealt Stand up and walk out Alone Alone he'll go shaking its cold everyone walked ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 17:43:00 GMT

New Poem: Foot Steps

FOOTSTEPS:At each others throats every night they just chokeEnraged with love and hateThe words they will fly like bombs through the skyArmed with Love and Hate, It's not too lateWe stand with footste...
Posted by on Mon, 28 May 2007 20:46:00 GMT