Member Since: 24/09/2006
Band Members: Root2 (come on Myspace, give us some Maths symbols), Tiger 1, and Mad Dog
Influences: Major influences include mainstream television and the EPL. The direction of the Sexy Tigers has been influenced less by the music that each member likes, than by other bandmate's favourite music that each member hates. A common strategic milestone has been "we don't want to sound like that shit!".Tiger 1 claims to be influenced by Proust, but anyone who takes 3 years to read a book can't be too enamoured with it.
Sounds Like: The Sexy Tiger are really a high(er)-fi version of the lowfi pioneers Red Gold Cirrus. Production values are much higher (although still woefully short of what is generally acceptable to society), and songwriting + musicianship have gone up a notch, but the philosophy behind the song remains the same.
Type of Label: Major