lilith profile picture


About Me

The Munich metal formation "Lilith" was founded in fall 2005 by the three current members Basti, Jens, Ben & the ex-guitarist Julian. Since the founding of the band & before the joining of Nicki as a definite member on bass guitar they've worked with 3 different bassists. Unfortunately all three had to leave the band after a short period for personal reasons. After Julian left the band in early 2007 the remaining members used the unexpected break to record their first complete Demo-CD (which was overdue for about a year), while feverishly searching for a bassist to finally complete the band. Nearly all 7 songs were recorded in the rehearsal room under supervision by the sound engineer, friend & ex-bassist Chris. The vocal parts where recorded in Chris's cellar studio. Mix-down & mastering was also made by Chris. Nicki joined a few months after Julian's drope out in august of the same year.

My Interests


Member Since: 24/09/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Lilith are:

vocals: Jens

drums: Bastian

guitar: Ben


Influences: All the heroes! Metallica, Lamb of God, Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth, In Flames, Megadeath, Tool, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Ozzy, Children of Bodom etc.
Sounds Like: Hear for yourself!
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Metal Miasma Tour 2009 mit Taste Bitter Ashes

Hallo zusammen!Wir machen 2009 eine kleine Tour durch Münchens Lokalitäten und zwar mit unseren Freunden von Taste Bitter Ashes und jeweils einer bis zwei anderen Bands. Einige Daten sind schon fest, ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 10:40:00 GMT

Lilith now also on, &

Hi Folks,check out our new profils on, & and vote for us the there ongoing contests!If you vote for our songs on in the 'Turn Up The Beats' compet...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 14:20:00 GMT

Frontman Jens und andere Münchener Metal Shouter im SZ Jugendmagazin

Shout out loud - aber richtig Wie schreit man richtig? Die SZ-Jugendseite hat Tipps von Metal-Sängern eingeholt: Jens Dose, Lilith: "Shouten gehört zum Metal - wie dunkle Klamotten, Nieten und das G...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 20:45:00 GMT

Kritik Munich Metal Mayhem

Hey Leute,hier unsere aller erste Konzertkritik. Leider ist der Gig am vergangenen Freitag echt beschissen Gelaufen. An dieser Stelle vielen dank an alle die gekommen sind. Hoffentlich wart ihr nicht ...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 13:55:00 GMT