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About Me

Well hello people of the world : ) ok I’m going to try and put myself for you in a nut-shell. Now first things first GUITAR is my pride and joy it’s like the reason that I live. Now I don’t want to sound like a bitch or to cocky but I have met many many MANY people in my day and I have never found a girl that can play half as good as me ( 12 string baby) any who that’s about all I can brag about hahaha but I’m a republican I’m Irish catholic and I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters my favorite color is orange, favorite animal is ok don’t laugh but a hyena. I love fall and Halloween kicks ass. Basket ball and baseball would have to be my favs. Oh and I’m a physical therapist aid and I have one best friend in the whole entire world named Jamie : ) and I’m really family oriented and I love the out doors. Well there you go a little some thing about me. Hahaha oh I almost forgot I love the ladies and I’m just a one woman tip of gal PEACE NIGGAS LOL..VAG:
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the leprechaun off the lucky charms box.And to me the hottest man on the earth Collin Farrell. Jesus,and the man who invented morphine, and Saint

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