Dj Walt Dzl profile picture

Dj Walt Dzl

About Me

Whats up. This is Walt Dzl and I'm about to blow ya speakers. IM me on AIM @ DjWaltDzl. I have been spinnin 4 years and specialize in Fidget House, Electro House,Hard style, hard house, and jumpstyle. I grew up in Chicago and experienced the best that bass has to offer. It is incredible what the feelin of hard beats can do for the soul. Music of all genre's has influenced my life beyond any thing that the mind could possibly preceive. The midwest couldn't possibly be ready for what we are about to give them. But regardless I'm gonna quit now and let the bass speak for its self!
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Member Since: 9/24/2006
Influences: jerrylee, Crookers, Diplo, Bloody Beatrootz, Teen Wolf, Danny Soundz, Jack Beatz, Dj Caffiene, Dj Bizerk, Dj Bam Bam, Used & Abused, Mixin Mark, Dj Night, Josh the Funky One, 2 Kool Chris, Booloo Master, MC Flipside, Mr. Eyez, Dj Static, Chris Trojan, James Alexander..... Damn do I gotta keep goi
Sounds Like: Good Stuff..... Just listen to it.
Record Label: Nunya Records

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