★~♪SalaTяαsħ™ ♪ ~★aka QuietscheEntche profile picture

★~♪SalaTяαsħ™ ♪ ~★aka QuietscheEntche

My Angelwings take me up to the sky

About Me

Myspace Contact Tables
?>I'm fucking Lazy and sometimes very annoying. I talk with myself when I'm allone. I'm a energydrink addict. I love Music cause it's my everything. I say I'm very tollerate but my Mum says I just don't care very much. I share everything with my cat, even my food and my bed. I'm allway broke. Thats why I just got one Tattoo even if I want more. I'm scared of my future but don't give a fuck about it. Lonkero is the only Alcohol I don't get a Hangover of. I'm mommys little monster. I don't have siblings so I'm a little spoiled I guess. I don't need much, just a bed a roof ovr my head a PC with web and a TV. And when I'm in vacation I even just need a bed a roof and a nice Bar.AND I don't know how to use HTML YAY

My Interests

Music, food, sleeping, Art, sleeping, shooting and food XD

I'd like to meet:



Rock ,Gothic, Punk,EBM, and everything betweenThe 69 Eyes, Negative, Uniklubi, Flinch, Private Line, Dead Babes, Vanity Beach, BloodPit, Heijaste,The Dresdendolls, Murderdolls, Wednesday13, N.U.C., DopeStars Inc, My Chemical Romance, From first to Last, Coheed and Cambria, Atreyu, Aiden, Babylon Bombs,MIA., 2raum Wohung, Grossstadtgefluester, Placebo, The Textas Dragqueen Massacare, The Deadend Sluts, Suvway to Sally, WASP, Schock, Rammstein, ASP, HIM, The Forecast, WIZO, The Wohlstandskinder, BOA [Band ohne Anspruch], Panic! At the Disco, Samsas Traum, AFI, Billy Talent, Billy Idol, Element of Crime, Disco Ensemble, Emilie Autumn


-Tank Girl -Little Shop Of Horrors -The Rocky Horror Pictureshow -PartyMonster -The Plague Dogs -Water Shipdown -Animal Farm - Felidea


Queer as Folk, Simpsons, Daria, JAckass, Viva La Bam, Drawn Together, My little Pony, Rainbow Bride, Kingdom Hospial, Ghost whsiperer, Happy Tree Friends , Miami Inc. Dead Like me (so gut wie tot)


Ich hab die Unschuld Kotzen sehn, the Vampire Chornicles


don't need heros

My Blog

Its hard to be normal (the kick out diary)

My Aupair Family kicked me out because they told me that we don't fit together and tey wanted to tell me now because if they would wait a month it would even geting harder to get rid of me be...
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 12:04:00 PST


Tomorrow I'll get my Tattooand "Mein Arsch geht voll auf Grundeis"means I'm fcking scared |DButr after I get my wings I can eat at Subways bitches
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 01:38:00 PST

I'm so pissed

I'm SO fucking angry of him.What the fuck is he thinking?He doesn't pay for me even if he had to.I'm his fucking Child.He's always saying he is SO poor but bought a hose a year ago and want to buy ano...
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Fri, 25 May 2007 01:13:00 PST

just for saving cuase PC work is over

Something you hate about the person you love:taht I have the feeling he doesn't like me Something you wish your mother or father had warned you about:myself Something that's holding you back from achi...
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:01:00 PST


my half family is on Painkillers me and my grandfahter are the only Adults that are clean XDDDDDDDDDDDD 
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:54:00 PST

Internet II

Maybe I come back on Thursday when I got a new Modem
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 06:33:00 PST

Internet brooke down

My Internet doesn't work anymore, dunno when I come back.
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 10:08:00 PST

Fucking clean

Yeah it's lika a wonder. I cleaned up my room. It's so awsome I can see my floor again and, oh my gosh it is BLUE. And now, we can paint my room new. I want it Black Pink and White X3...
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:27:00 PST

Theoretic Driving Test

Dear diary, ... EMO XD I got my third, yes third, I faild two times, shame on me, Theoretical Driving Test next thursday T_TWhen I faild again I have to go to the Idiot test... I'm not stupid, I'm ju...
Posted by ~jSalaTO±s'" j ~aka QuietscheEntchen on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST