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About Me

{{ I am me.......}} i love my life!}} {{HoLiDaYs.... i love them too, i love gettin tanned on the beach, just relaxin all day not really doin anythin... i come bk from tunisia in june an it was boss i love it =] }} I love gettin tattoo's ive only got 3 at the min but i plan on gettin more ive got some pics up of wa ive got already an will put more up wen i get new ones {{ I still live at home with my mum and day who i love dearly spesh when they lend me money too go out lol HA!! {{ I love all me mates....{ BeCcA }... she is my best mate ever, cant believe how long i new her for n we never talked but were best mates now n its boss love her loads =] { LiSa }... you are my sister and my best mate too, love goin out with you wen you come out that is lol... an love the fact tha your a hairdresser lol love u loads too =] { EmMa } any time anyone says somthin about u i think 'ooggaa ooggaa emma' .... even tho i wasnt there at the birth of ooggaa oogga an u didnt know me then, ha! but ur propper funny, an we need to av more shots! =] { Helen } ur a proper laught we dont see each other tha much n wen we do its in work or on a night out n it always proper funny lol love yaa =] { jade } jade ur proper funny aswell we always rip each other in work n just av a laugh { michelle } POLEEE!! thats it lad just pole oh n ballroommmm n mwahahaha *strokes cat* =} i use to love alcohol and lots of it....... the amount we use to all drink... u might of called us alcholic's we called it havin a damm gud time! ...(sadly i hate feelin sick so ive cut bk a hell of a lot lol :D xx love goin out an partyin (sober .. still av a laugh tho it can be done)... hate not beein out on a weekend! i love buyin new clothes, i love pay day too cuz money burns a hole in my pocket...all i do is spend! }} i love takin pics .... every week wen am out there will be a pic took =] }} i also love changin everythin wen am bored... my profile will probs change loads! }} i love my PhOnE i couldnt live without it! ..... STORY april 2009 ..... one day lynsey was bored in work and was playin with her phone, the lynsey's phone asked her for a pin, lynsey did not know this pin as blocked her sim, then a very sad lynsey spent 5 days without a phone ... OMG WORST 5 DAYS OF MY LIFE EVER!!!! }} And I Love Pink!!! }} Some lil sayin's tha i like an r true lol ....Apart from the last one lol ha! {{Love is like a glass door, sometimes you dont notic it untill it smacks you in the face }} The best things in life are unseen thats why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry an dream}} Life is not about the breaths you take, its about the moments that take your breath away }} Everyone has blonde moments... i just get them more often than most people =] }} People put up walls, not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to break them down}} i am not an alcholic am a drunk, alcholics go to meetings .... ha!x.x.x.x.x.Add me on msn ..... =}
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I'd like to meet:

{{ i wanna meet an be with someone tha makes me laugh like all the time if i laugh with you i can love you <3 }}

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