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Get your free counter V.EYE.P Makeup is made up of two Liverpool based makeup artists, Julie Foster and Lisett Spierenburg. Together our experience covers all aspects of makeup artistry including fashion, photographic, film and T.V. and we are both represented by a reputable Liverpool agency. Would be interested in working with up and coming photographers and models, basically anyone who is interested in working with two innovative and passionate makeup artists....YOU CAN HIRE US FOR YOUR PARTY/NIGHT OUT, WEDDING OR NEXT EVENT AND LET YOU AND YOUR GUESTS RECEIVE THE ULTIMATE V.EYE.P TREATMENT!WE ARE A FAB EDITION TO ANY EVENT!WE HAVE BEEN PROFESSIONALS FOR A FEW YEARS NOW AND FELT THAT WOMEN LOVE THE CELEBRITY PERK OF HAVING THEIR MAKEUP DONE THEREFORE HAVING A SERVICE TO BE ON HAND TO RETOUCH UP ON THEIR MAKEUP WOULD BE A DREAM.WE ARE REPRESENTED BY A LIVERPOOL AGENCY CALLED PULSE MODEL AGENCY. SOME OF OUR WORK CAN BE VIEWED ON www.pulseagency.co.uk UNDER THE 'CREATIVES SECTION'.WE ALSO WORK ALONG SIDE LIVERPOOL'S MOST SORT AFTER PHOTOGRAPHERS STEVE COLLINSON.CHECK OUT OUR MAKEUP PORTFOLIOFOR BOOKINGS CALL 07763 374014 OR 07788 497175HTML795617 ***