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About Me

hey wots ppl names phil im 17 almost 18 yeeeeehaaaaaa lol as u can tell i cant wait lol, i like all sorts of stuff like music hell yea slipknot, lp, limpbizkit, murderdolls, adema hell yea and a shit load mre but i cant b bothered ritein em all cuz it will take 2 long lol, luv movies, ice hockey (fave team tha belfast giants lol), fukin hate football, bein tha lead singer in my band, and not forgettin gurls lol, im a very straight up guy, hate ppl dat take tha piss outta othas 4 wot they r, usually happy unless som1 really piosses me off which were i live is often lol jk, nothin mre i can really say lol