Be sure to check out the Perkins Women page. I spend most of my time on this page that I share with my crazy female relatives whom I LOVE dearly.
Dad and Mom
I love the bands from the late '70s early 80's: Journey (WITH Steve Perry) and Styx being my favorites, but I also love Boston, Kansas, Foreigner, Chicago, Aerosmith and my sister recently go me hooked on Bon Jovi.
I LOVE Rascal Flatts!
I am now a huge fan of Sixwire. If you haven't heard of them, you will!
Way Too Deep-Sixwire
Steve Perry "Oh Shari"
(OK so, it's not spelled that way, but he meant it that way, the publishers made a mistake)
As much as it pains me to admit it. I am a HUGE American Idol fan. Especially Season 5. I liked everyone in the Top 12 except 2 people (if you know me at all you know who at least one of them was)and most of the top 24.The guys of Season 5 were my favorites.
I have seen Taylor in concert 4 times! I know, I know! Sometimes I just can't explain my actions. I actually got to meet him when he was here in Tennessee!
Just dancin', baby from lia on Vimeo .
American Idol Top 6 Guys Season 5. THUD!
Michael Lee Johns
My choice for AI7
Can't resist:
Daughtry- "Over You" (Smallville)Jericho
Head coach Tony Dungy of the Indianapolis Colts gathers his team in prayer in the locker room after winning Super Bowl XLI 29-17 against the Chicago Bears on February 4, 2007 at the Dolphin Stadium in
Miami Gardens, Florida