ROCK MOMB profile picture


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About Me

Hi! I am a Classic Rock Enthusiast and the mother of 1/2 the Band Dracolich (Silver Gray and Azure) as well to Medeviel Irishness and Darth Sarge. Green is my favorite color and some of my favorite foods are enchiladas and smoked almonds and of course, CHOCOLATE! Some kids at school want to start a modern music club and I am helping them get one started. Hope it flies! I am pretty smart, I hope to win on jeopardy someday, and I read a lot. My newest hobby is collecting and recording classic vinyl.Next Sabbat is Beltane, which most of you know under the modern name of May Day! Beltane celebrates the great marriage between the Goddess and the God, or between the Goddess (the Earth) and the King of the Land. In the past, if the great marriage didn't come off, the King could not rule over the land or the land was rendered unproductive since the Goddess (The Mother Earth) was not respected by this marriage. Maybe, in light of the present threat of Economic Recession in the United States, President George "Dubya" Bush should have studied some ancient pagan religious rites before becoming President???

My Interests

I am a trekkie eternally devoted to Luke Skywalker and his Sister Leia. The force is strong within me. I teach, so I deal with a lot of teenagers, and I am interested in almost everything except politics.

I'd like to meet:

I like people of all ages and musicians and bands and if you want to be my friend on the space for real that's cool but if you are a fake don't bother.

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I like everything from fifties rock to the rock of 2008 and beyond, but my favorite era and most collectible era is 1965-1975, now that I am so used to techno and heavy metal it turns out many of these old classic rock tunes are too soft for me after I hear them again! PS KIDS: I was a punk before you knew what one was.....


I watched Annie Lennox in Central Park and it was really good. I want to see The Forbidden Kingdom badly but it isn't even out yet. I have more concerts coming from netflix, and I watched THE WALL recently, which wasn't that great of a rock and roll film compared to other classics, in my opinion. Tommy gave me nightmares for months....


Jeopardy -I kick butt on Jeopardy but I usually listen to the audio channel or Sirius radio if I am home, and not watch TV at all. We just switched to Direct TV from cable, I don't even know what is on. I am like the only person that never saw an episode of Sex in the City...


My new favorite author is Pico Iyer, he writes travelogues and stories about being in foreign countries.I just read The Invisible Man by Ralph Emerson, it was kind of a gruesome book to read and I don't quite know what to think about it. It is an interesting chunk of civil rights history though, and Ralph Emerson was also born on my birthdate, March 1st, forty-seven years before me, and I read his book shortly after my 47th birthday. A strange synchronicity!


Elizabeth is my heroine this week.