gold jewelry, gold jewelry, gold jewelry...haha jennie! feeling like you have a hair on you but not being able to find it, floods, people who dont follow directions, traffic, stop lights, people who drive at or below the speed limit, Mexicans in cowboy hats, humidity, teal cars, flowers, lazy people, small dogs (especially white ones), bridges, tree frogs, repetitive noises, astronauts, alarm clocks, crickets, English accents, people who whistle, anything pink, dream catchers, junebugs, seaweed, fanny packs, mom jeans, people who stalk me on myspace and think they know all about me, people who wear rings on every finger, the ocean, back hair, chest hair, colored socks, unnecessary commas, people who constantly misspell words, personalized license plates, roller coasters, murals on car windows, anything related to the ABA, ESPECIALLY MY CLIENTS
.. - Get Your Own
.. - Get Your Own
CASEY MEARS, Nicole Richie, Rob and Big, Three 6 Mafia, Reggie Bush
Any movie my ADD will allow me to sit through, which isnt many.
ROB AND BIG, Adventures in Hollyhood, Grey's Anatomy, Hell's Kitchen, The Office, NASCAR, watching THE MAVS and Wake ball
I love myself. And Emily is pretty cool too.