"See all women as mothers,
serve them as your mother.
When you see the entire world as your mother,
the ego falls away."....MAHARAJJI
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein
We want to think about God.
God is a thought.
God is an idea.
But its reference is to something that transcends all thinking.
He is beyond being!
Beyond the category of being and non-being!
Is He or is He not?
...Neither is, nor is not.
Every god -- Every mythology -- Every religion is true in this sense;
It is true as metaphorical of the human and cosmic mystery.
"He who thinks he knows, doesn't know."
"He who know that he doesn't know, knows."
There is an old story that is still good;
The story of the "quest" -- the spiritual quest.
That's to say, to find the inward thing, which you basically are.
All of these symbols refer to you...
Have YOU been reborn?
Have YOU died to YOUR animal nature and come to life as a human incarnation?
YOU are God in your deepest identity!
YOU are one with the transcendent. - Joseph Campbell
Name's Daniel Skiles.
I burn sacred cow dung and chant holy Vedic mantras to elevate consciousness, merge with God, and heal the atmosphere. I'm trained in spiritual sexual healing arts, compassionate communication, taoist, tantric, and ayurvedic wisdom. Im a poet, musician, and singer-songwriter.
I am currently working on recording an album. You can visit my myspace music page at: http://www.myspace.com/danielskiles
Love and Light
NamastEEzy :)