Lamia Vampira profile picture

Lamia Vampira

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Information Vampiress is a restricted area. Authorized personnel only
NOTE: No smoking around Julianna. Thank You for your co-operation.
I am Julie, Vampiress, Dracounouse, or DivineHell to most people. High school graduate. I am happily taken by a sweet and wonderful guy that rocks my world on a daily basis. I believe I was born in the wrong time period due to my love of Renaissance clothing and swords. I am a big believer in Honesty, Chivalry, and Honor. I love being on motorcycles with a desire to learn how to ride. Most of the time if you get me started on a Philosophical debate and you will be hard pressed to get me to shut up. I'm very spiritual but not religious. I think people in this day and age take religion too far and that no religion truly has it right. I do Tarot cards and Runes.I am a lover of literature. I will pick up and read anything and everything I can get my hands on. The power of writing can help people through some of the worst things they could experience in life for it gives them an outlet. I am a poet for that reason, writing Poetry has been my outlet for a few years. I am trying to compile my stuff together to see if it might be worthy of being published. My journal will eventually contain all of my writing as it gives an idea as to who I am.I love much, like some, an hate little, I can be a good friend or the biggest bitch depending on what side of me you get to know. I have loved and lost someone that meant a great deal to me as a friend and there are some wounds that go very deep but I am healing always looking to the new day with the hope of a brighter tomorrow. I am usually a very social creature but I've found myself becoming more of a loner, with every heart break and betrayal from those who still have the audacity to claim to be friends of mine. Those out there that are true friends of mine (they know who they are) I would do anything I can for.I am a fighter not in the I'll kick so-and-so's ass but in the sense of not giving up. There are things I have been through in this life that should have broken me long ago, still standing and looking to each day to see what I can accomplish. I pray no one else ever has the misfortune of going through the things I have and know enough to know many others will for mankind at it's worst is twisted, sick, and vile.I am a dreamer that doesn't mean I am not down to earth but that I have dreams and goals for myself things I desire from or to accomplish during this existence we call life. I wish to go to college for child psychology and social work.You want to know something about me just ask I promise I don't bite...too hard...Not really sure what else to say about myself so feel free to message me.

My Interests

Astrology, Mythology, Attending raves when I can find on to go to, Honesty. Poetry. Cooking. Industrial Clubs. Music. Racing. Rum and Coke. adrenaline. Philosophical Conversations, Reading. Learning. A Few Tv Shows (Law & Order, Judging Amy, Angel, Charmed, Buffy, ER, Invader Zim, etc). Walks on the beach at night. Playing Poker. Painting Ceramics. Philosophy. The Occult. Paranormal. Hanging with Friends. Music. Art. Vampires. Reptiles. The Night. Dragons, Rain storms. magics. Playing Pool. Wolves. Swords. Things from the Renaissance Time period. Blood. Biting. Candles. Corsets. Bondage. Handcuffs. Whips. Chains. Daggers. Tarot Cards. Runes. and so much more.
Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 40%
Envy: 20%
Gluttony: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Greed: 0%
Lust: 0%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die, after conquering the world as an evil dictator.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results

Extraversion 70%
Stability 46%
Orderliness 46%
Accommodation 83%
Interdependence 56%
Intellectual 70%
Mystical 90%
Artistic 36%
Religious 16%
Hedonism 10%
Materialism 16%
Narcissism 23%
Adventurousness 76%
Work ethic 56%
Self absorbed 10%
Conflict seeking 16%
Need to dominate 23%
Romantic 90%
Avoidant 23%
Anti-authority 50%
Wealth 10%
Dependency 23%
Change averse 23%
Cautiousness 23%
Individuality 90%
Sexuality 50%
Peter pan complex 30%
Physical security 50%
Physical Fitness 64%
Histrionic 23%
Paranoia 24%
Vanity 10%
Hypersensitivity 24%
Female cliche 23%

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that can carry on an intelligent conversation while thinking for themselves rather than conforming to the expectations of others meaning singular individual people that aren't afraid to be who they are.


I listen to everything preferably Rock



Underworld, Queen of the Damned, Dracula 2000, Dracula, Dracula II, Dracula III, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Blade, Legend, Labyrinth, and many, many more


Buffy, Angel, Charmed, 7th Heaven, Boy Meets World, Alias, Judging Amy, and Missing, and Strong Medicinejust added this for kicks and giggles cause I thought it was funny so hopefully you guys won't get offended...


Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Anita Blake novels, anything and everything that keeps my attention past the first chapter, mostly that ends up being my kinky vampire novels


My friends, Thank you all for being there for me to talk to when I've needed you to be, especially, Shane, Candice, Ed, Lex, Nocki, and Keith.